
我们要感谢我们的每一个分支机构与UNE North合作. 作为自我介绍的一种方式,我们让他们每个人回答这个问题:

对于我们这些生活和工作在北大西洋地区的人来说, 为什么跨学科协作对你来说很重要, your students, your fellow faculty, 以及我们的社区伙伴,因为我们都在应对气候变化的影响?

arthur anderson

Arthur Anderson, Ph.D.


Collaborative work like this is so important to understand our rapidly changing world and climate. 我希望向其他研究人员学习解决这些问题, as well as bring some archaeological perspective to the ways in which we explore this change over time. 协作工作对于回答比任何学科都重要的问题至关重要.

Zeynep Arslan


正如西雅图酋长所说:“在生命之网中,所有的事物都是联系在一起的。. 人类只是其中的一根线. 无论我们对网络做什么,我们都是在对自己做.在“人类引发的”流行病中, we must collaborate more than ever, before it's too late.

John Austin

John Austin, Ph.D.

P.D. 美林商学院副教授

We cannot hope to successfully address our long-term shared challenges and act on our shared opportunities without a commitment to working together as stakeholders. Innovative solutions to our climate challenge will emerge when multiple perspectives are focused on a shared goal.

collyn baeder

Collyn Baeder, M.P.H.

Assistant Clinical Professor and Internship Coordinator — Health, Wellness, and Occupational Studies

Maine is the past, present, and future home to all my personal and professional passions — an amazing place where climate change impacts grow increasingly visible. Working together with individuals from all backgrounds is more important than ever to protect each other and the natural world.

stine brown

Stine Brown, Ph.D.


最有趣的事情似乎发生在不同的人身上, ideas, values, 优先级会相互冲突. It isn’t always comfortable, 但如果有对话和合作的承诺, 这些遭遇会导致问题的解决, often in innovative ways. 这就是促使我渴望与北大西洋周围的人一起工作的原因, across disciplines, and with different world views.

alethea cariddi

Alethea Cariddi, M.S.Ed.


可持续发展需要合作. We take inspiration, find synergies, build trust, expand knowledge, 当我们一起工作时,分担风险并在解决方案中拥有更大的自主权. 没有任何一个实体能够单独解决气候变化带来的挑战.

sonya durney

Sonya Durney, M.L.I.S.


作为一名专业图书馆员和一名正在攻读公共政策的博士生, I am very interested in policy research and analysis in regards to The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 可持续发展目标中确定的所有问题都有潜在的信息组成部分, 他们假定个人有能力访问, engage with, and use information. Libraries can play a key role by providing access and promoting digital and information literacy.

Susan Farady

Susan Farady, J.D.


随着我们面临与气候变化有关的日益复杂的问题, 我认为,我们需要越来越成熟和创新的方法来找到解决办法. For me, that involves including a wide range of scientific, legal, and socio-economic information. 我的研究课题,如渔业管理适应气候变化, and teaching experience educating the next generation of marine professionals in an interdisciplinary marine affairs curriculum has shown me the value of a collaborative, 跨学科方法解决“邪恶”问题.

Jennifer Gunderman

Jennifer Gunderman, M.P.H.


I have deep appreciation for the ecosystems of the North Atlantic for the life-sustaining resources it provides me and my family. 因此,我有责任保护它,促进它的健康.

Dean Hernandez, Marine Science, Environmental Science, Geographic Information Systems, Chemistry ’22

应对气候变化这样复杂多变的问题, it is necessary to create a team of individuals who can develop solutions equally as complex and dynamic. Collaboration is the key to unlocking the innovative perspectives needed for this type of problem-solving. This is a shared conflict and in order to effectively combat climate change we must present a united front opening dialogue across all disciplines.

Headshot of Karen Houseknecht

Karen Houseknecht, Ph.D.


I am thrilled to join the UNE North Affiliated team as we come together with shared passion to solve community problems with diverse, global perspective. For me, 他们的共同爱好包括药物安全, 治疗慢性疾病,如糖尿病, 为我们社区中最脆弱的成员提供心理健康宣传.

Susan McHugh

Susan McHugh, Ph.D.

Professor of English

Studying stories of the interdependence of human and nonhuman beings with colleagues at various North Atlantic regional institutions — including universities in Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the UK — has given me a clear sense of how modeling scientific solutions to climate change can only succeed by drawing from the creative and critical powers of the arts and humanities. 我很高兴能把来自各个学科的学生带到这些对话中来, 并帮助他们加入社区合作伙伴,通过他们的实际应用进行工作.

Tom McLaughlin

Thomas McLaughlin, M.S.W., Ph.D.


As a social researcher, it is important to develop and maintain connections with my colleagues in other parts of the North Atlantic region. This includes learning from each other and collaborating on research which helps to extend our collective knowledge on social issues that impact us all.

pam morgan

Pam Morgan, Ph.D.


Climate change is a big, complicated issue that can only be tackled if we include people from all areas of expertise. I am especially interested in helping young people gain the skills and knowledge they need to feel empowered to make positive change in their own communities.

东北大学学生Julia Popson的大头照


气候变化及其影响并不仅仅直接影响一个学科. 为了了解气候变化的影响, 我们必须以所有学科的个人都能掌握的方式来呈现它.


面对气候变化,我们拥有的最宝贵的资源之一就是彼此. As such, it's imperative that people come together from multiple disciplines and backgrounds to forge the best path possible to navigate a changing climate.


Nancy Shore, M.S.W., M.P.H., Ph.D.

Professor School of Social Work

I believe in the importance of developing and nurturing equitable partnerships that center community wisdom and lived experiences to address persistent disparities and other complex issues such as the impact of our changing climate.

Maggie Veronesi

Maggie Veronesi, Nursing ’23

As we attempt to navigate a changing climate it is imperative that work is being done across many different disciplines and age groups to ensure there are a variety of ideas and skills being shared to have a positive impact on this issue. As a student and member of Gen-Z, I feel it is important to be educated on environmental and climate issues no matter what field of study is being pursued. 

Elias Young, Marine Affairs, ‘23

Elias Young, Marine Affairs ’23

I believe that collaboration between the North Atlantic nations is crucial to solve maritime, environmental, and other societal problems. My experiences in Iceland have opened my eyes to the possibilities of cross-cultural learning and how working with people from across different countries and backgrounds leads to greater problem-solving ability. 气候变化是一个巨大的挑战, but we can make changes within our UNE community to set an example for our colleagues and affiliates.

Hannah Zazulak


不断变化的环境的挑战超越了纪律和, therefore, 面对一个跨学科的团队会好吗. It is through a collaborative effort that we might hope to learn to live more sustainably and to develop impactful solutions to protect Mother Earth. I look forward to providing a perspective that is filled with passion for both medicine and nature in this effort.